Thursday, October 20, 2011

Five years already?

First, Happy Birthdays go out to Pa Hoke and Wade-o!  We hope you guys had/have a great day!!!

Second, BIG congrats go out to Brant, Chris, and Greyson!

Third, we celebrate 5 years of marriage this week.  Two kids, two college degrees, two colleges, five jobs, six apartment moves, three states, a few fights (which have totaled much, much fewer than the count of make-out sessions), and three cars and a scooter later, we are still extremely happily married.

To celebrate, we got a sitter and went to the show where you slap these on your shirt:

You know, the place where you stand in front of a blue screen to take pictures like these (which then had to be kifed from the internet to avoid the tremendous price of getting them printed):
It was poorly executed on my part, however, so we left after three hours of contestant processing and didn't quite get to step foot in the studio.  I failed to understand or find out that, in addition to 4-5 hours of taping, there were three hours of contestant prep (a.k.a. waiting in line) before the show really gets started.  Instead of squeezing an extra three hours out of a very gracious sister from the ward who was watching our kids, we decided to head home early.  Next time, right?

My wife is awesome.  She is my best bud, a smokin' hottie, and the best mom my kids have ever had.


  1. Happy Anniversary! I can't believe the time has gone by so fast!!

  2. Can't think of a better way to celebrate your 5th--sure love you two!
