Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Picture Post

I couldn't help but post some pictures that we've taken of our gorgeous daughter:
I love this little boy I can't believe he's 3 1/2.
Magnolia has the craziest hair:

A little preview of April 29th: So exciting!
I highlighted my hair.
Max wanted to put something on too:
We love you guys! Sorry for the lack of posting, we are seriously busy, SERIOUSLY! Things we are looking forward to:
1. Hearing back from JCPenney, keep your fingers crossed.
2. DISNEYLAND next week, and seeing the Cushings!
3. Graduating and having family come in.
4. Derrick's 27th birthday
5. Derrick says, "Disc Golfing!"
6. Moving away from Utah and seeing what the future holds for our little family!

-Peace out!


  1. YAY!!!!!!!!! What an exciting, busy time for you guys. Soak it up, and enjoy making some memories. (ps. CAN'T WAIT to see ya!!!)

  2. Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for you as well. I love the hair!

  3. Sad! You're excited about moving away from us? :( Well we're happy for you to be graduating and enjoying life!

  4. Hasta luego, Utah!!!! Hasta pronto, Texas! Teehheee! :)
    Such adventures you guys are going to be having now! Yippeee!
    Loved the pics of my sweet grandkids! Can't wait to see them all!
