Friday, July 29, 2011

Night out!

Last night Traci and I were able to have a completely spontaneous late-night extravaganza. Will stayed home while the kids slept, so we went out and got funky. First we hit up SP^RK. Time out. SP^RK is hilarious. It has all the atmosphere of a high class bar without any of the alcohol. I love how specific to the Provo culture it is. We had a great time and enjoyed three drinks together. This is Traci getting crrraaazzzy with her OX Blood drink (Rock Star, blood red orange puree, sparking water, cucumber):

This me showing off my extreme masculinity with a Shirley Temple (Basically cherry 7-Up with a big stick of cotton candy in it):

After that we went to a park and did this for a while:
Notice how I didn't take the time to focus or position the camera just right?

Then we went to the first showing of Crazy, Stupid, Love. I give it a 6. It had some funny parts and extremely intruiging characters, but it was pretty vulgar. Besides being exausted all day, however, I think we'd both say our date was pretty rad.

In other news, the kids are doing well. Magnolia is crawling like crazy. She can crawl 10 ft in like 4 seconds!Nana Debbie got her this cool body suit thing which will help her feel more California at the beach while simultaneously help protect her vitiligo!

A few week's ago Max had his first ever Primary activity. All kids were encouraged to dress up as their favorite scripture hero. Max was Captain Moroni, The other kids looked good, but Max nailed it!Can you spot Max out of the crowd?

Of course you could!

Traci has been feeling sick for the last day or two. I think the whole family has something, because I was sick on Tuesday. Her face accurately sums it up:And I will be officially done with my undergraduate this week. I have a major group presentation and a final test to take, then I can officially party. And by party I mean work harder at work, packing, and playing with the fam. Also, my beard is getting nasty--it's rivaling that of the grizzle of November 2009. You remember. I know you do.


  1. If you were sticking around, I would have suggested that you try out for parts in the New Testament videos. They are looking for bodacious beards!

  2. FABULOUS update! I loved your date night and Max's PERFECT costume! Love you guys.

  3. So happy to see your updated blog!!! You guys are so fun, spontaneous, and creative! You're RAD! :)
