Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Holiday Videos

First some photos of our kids on the first Sunday of 2011. Max got his first suit for Christmas, and here he his striking his model pose:

Traci was able to get really good pictures of Magnolia smiling. Chew on this!

Here are some videos of Max opening Christmas gifts--these are mostly posted for the grandparents! Mom Elsa, we don't have a video of Max opening the cars you gave him, but he plays with them every single day. On Sunday, when he's allowed one toy and one book to take to church, he took one of the cars you gave him.

And here are some miscellaneous videos from the holiday break. We like these especially because it shows cousins, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters interacting and having fun together--which doesn't happen often since we all live a ways apart. If our holiday happenings with family are any indication of the fun that we'll have together in 2011, then the Sheen reunion is going to be mind-blowingly awesome!


  1. I sure hope the Sheen reunion can top that - but it's going to be hard!!! How fun!

  2. Awesome videos! I am only kidding when I say this - I was half expecting Abby to break something when going down that hill, and Col to shoot down it like a rocket. Fortunately, that did NOT happen, or unfortunately for the rocket part, that'd be pretty awesome.

    Great pictures ya'll
