Saturday, January 1, 2011

ADIOS 2010!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!

WE HAVE HAD AN AWESOME BREAK!! We took a lot of photos and videos, but we will have to post some of the videos on a seperate post. Highlights of our trip include, in no particular order:

1. Magnolia's blessing! Tons of friends and family were able to be there, and we were overwhelmed by the love and support shown. It was fun afterwards, too, to have a lunch at Pinnacle. Kids were able to run around and play, everybody ate well, and I think most were able to relax! Thank you to all who came, and to those of you who couldn't make it, you were missed!

Everyone is featured here, minus Sis. and Brother Bangerter, who took the picture--thanks, Lucy! 2. CHRISTMAS! We received and felt like we gave some really, really great presents. Max is old enought to understand the Christ and Santa aspects of Christmas, so we had lots of fun celebrating this year. Traci loved getting a new cutting knife, sweet apron, three Elizabeth Gaskell movies, and some other great gifts. I loved my SOCKS!, the Office Clue game, sweet clothes, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance for PS2, and a ticket to see Pete Yorn and Ben Kweller in February! Max loved everything--cars, garbage truck, little guitar, kid's digital camera, etc. As for Maggie, she pretty much did this all day:
Here are a few other pictures from our Christmas Celebration:
3. Pinnacle Movie Night. It was a blast to have friends and family at Pinnacle to watch Toy Story 3!

4. Christmas Eve Brunch with the Scott's. Scott's had us over with another family in their ward for lunch. Among other things they gave us a beautiful nativity which we will use every christmas from here on out.

5. Sled, Sled, Sled. We went sledding on Monday with Logan and the kids on Spanish Fork, yesterday with Jordan and Jonah in Provo, and today with the Scott's. Below is a picture of Evan's battle wounds from a wipeout that he had. He took it like a man though, what a trooper! I call this picture.... Born to Sled.
#6 New Years Eve. Spent time with the Jordan Sheen's and the Scott's had a really good time saying goodbye to 2010.

2010 treated us very well, and 2011 should bring us some big changes that we are excited about!


  1. I LOVED THIS POST!!!!!!! We had a blast and are so happy we could spend a little time with you! :)

  2. "Born to Sled" couldn't be better unless is was "born to be WILD!"

  3. You guys are some of the BEST gift givers!! Thanks for all your calls too! We loved hearing about what the HAPPENINGS in Utah!
